What does the mole eat in the garden? Homesteads are the most favorite habitat for moles, who prefer loose, developed soil, where various species of insects accumulate. The mole digs moves, rotating in the ground and alternately shoveling the ground with paws with strong claws. The basis of the diet of the animal is mainly earthworms, which make up to 90% of the total volume, which prefer soft soil rich in organic matter. Worms are the most common and numerous invertebrates in the garden area, which was the main reason for choosing them as food for animals. The mole also eats a variety of insects: beetles, click beetles, caterpillars, spiders, crickets, centipedes, slugs and woodlice. During the day, the animal eats up to 55 — 60 g of different foods, which includes 20 g of worms. Mole during the day eats several times with a break of 4 – 5 hours, which are necessary for him to digest food. After a meal, the mole rests in a hole curled up.
5 BEST MOLE POISONS | WORMS, GRUBS AND BOMBS: GET RID OF MOLES FAST | BUYER’S GUIDE 2019 best mole poison reviewThe mole has a very high metabolism, which forces it to constantly eat with small breaks for rest. The maximum gap between meals should not exceed 14 – 17 h, which causes the animal constantly to search for food. The mole leads a lonely life and is aggressive towards his relatives. At collision of two Mature small animals of one sex without fail between them there is a fight which often comes to an end with a fatal outcome for one of opponents.
After the victory, the winner eats the loser of the enemy. The animal is ready to engage in mortal combat when meeting in his gallery with any animal, smaller and after winning sit him. What do moles eat in winter? Moles are active throughout the year and do not hibernate in winter. Winter stocks are collected during the autumn and include a variety of insects and earthworms. The main part of the supplies are earthworms, which the mole when it bites through the head and carries it to the burrow for supplies.