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Designers and Devs a successful marriage
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Author:  mitaparvin123 [ Mon Dec 12, 2022 7:20 am ]
Post subject:  Designers and Devs a successful marriage

When a company plans to launch a new product the result will depend a lot on the understanding between the designers and devs on the team. While one will map out and envision a user experience, the other will put it into practice in a really functional way. While there can be some friction where one's work ends and the other's begins, what we're going to show in this article is how this can just be the perfect marriage. Ying and yang. Jobs' cheese and guava paste. For designers, working in sync with the developers and the entire team is extremely important to ensure a smooth and cohesive development process.

That's why designers should always Phone Number List prioritize the creation of products that are consistent scalable and accessible, including viable technology for the end user, according to the company's personas. On the other hand, it is essential that this be done keeping in mind the execution by the dev team, including having the entire process and decisions completely aligned. Performance of designers and devs in the creation of a new product Index Performance of designers and devs in the creation of a new product 1. Designer and Dev – a marriage that yields many fruits for startups! 2. All details must be thoroughly explained 3. Respect, patience and focus on the product are essential During the construction of a product several steps need to be taken into account.


They involve Recognition of the problem to be addressed the purpose of that product Knowledge about the persona and research; Data processing; Copywriting; Coding and application of the necessary technology; Release, testing and continuous improvements. In this flow, much of the work between these two professional profiles meet and complement each other. Therefore, it is important that there is a dialogue between what designers and devs are doing at each stage. This can happen by setting up an environment such as Adobe XD, Photoshop, Sketch, Figma or other design software that also speaks the developer's language. As I said in the last point above, launching a product ends up becoming a continuous project, since tests are carried out and improvements are implemented whenever necessary.

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